The judgement on Sanjay Dutt is a relief to common. It has become a tradition that be a celibraty and committ any crime, like it happend with the great Salman Khan and many others who were aquitted for no reason , just because they are celibraties. It's a lesson for all celibraties that they are the common man first and then celebraty
RE:Sanjay Datt
by aritra roy on Jul 31, 2007 08:41 PM Permalink
I don't think he committed that grave a crime to be sentenced to RI for 6 years.After all,he didn't play any key role in killing people.We have to take into consideration his age also..meybe he was rebellious and thought it an in thing to be possessing fire-arms.I'm sure there are many other hardened criminals who possess hi-tech arms illegally.Perhaps the long arm of the law is too short for them!