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Christian schools Harassing Hindu Students to Convert !!
by Pritish Nagaraj on Jul 30, 2007 11:15 PM   Permalink

HJS Appeal to readers from Maharashtra: Report Christian Schools harrassing Hindu students

http://www.hindujag news/article/ christians/ conversions/ schools-propagat ing-christianity -to-be-de- recognized. html

The Education minister Shri Hasan Mushrif has assured the Shivsena MLA's Shri Subhash Desai and Shri Gajanan Kirtikar in the Maharastra legislative assembly of taking action against those Christian Schools who force their Hindu students to convert their religion. Therefore, we request parents facing such problems to send this information along with their written complaint in the name of under person on the mentioned e mail address. All this information can be given to the concerned MLA's for further action.

Note - Please provide Full Address of School, your contact details (Phone number is mandatory), Type of problems and supportive material and other details etc. Forcing students to make prayers as per Christian religion, not allowing to follow Hindu traditions like tilak, bindi etc. are also efforts towards converting the faith and religion.

Source, for contact, details and posting queries - http://www.hindujag news/article/ christians/ conversions/ schools-propagat ing-christianity -to-be-de- recognized. html

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