Very interesting. When they detonated the bombs that killed thousands of innocents he didn't have any consideration. At that time he was driven by revenge/Qurans strict interpretation.
Now that the judge has given him his fair share of punishment.....he is quoting no less but Christ. If only he had that consideration prior to killing thousands of innocents...
RE:Yaqub Memon's change of heart
by Sarath Chandra on Jul 27, 2007 06:18 PM Permalink
I think he was saying that he (judge) does not know what he is doing and that he (judge) should be forgiven by God. I don't think he thinks (atleast outwardly) what he has done is wrong. He actually probably wants the judge to praise him and reward him (which he is promised will happen after his death by his interpretation of his religion). Living in denial isn't so uncommon for many people. But it causes suffering.