Fine them atleast 50 lakhs with life imprisonment followed by hanging so that it is a detterent to all who would ever nurse the idea of harming the nation. Utilise the fine amount to pay victims (maimed) and families and families of defence forces who lose/injure their loved ones protecting the borders. No consideration should be given to women or sick to soften the sentence, because these people have killed/injured many women and men and caused a lot of pain, agony, suffering and sickness to victims and their families, we need to take that under consideration. Tooooo soft a sentence.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by stephen black on Jul 27, 2007 05:38 PM Permalink
life imprisonment so that they & their loved ones suffer everyday, death is a relief for the criminal but living in prison is payback time.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by NAVED SUTHRIWALA on Jul 27, 2007 05:42 PM Permalink
what nation u r talking about.that which is totally corrupted.They weren't victims who lost their lives in the communal riots.many innocent people lost their lives.what was their crime,just b'coz they were muslims.and the blast was a reaction to riots.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by Biswa Samanta on Jul 27, 2007 05:59 PM Permalink
Naved, you people will never understand what a nation is. U are all uneducated people filthy. People make a nation and you all are animals.
RE:Too soft a sentence
by stephen black on Jul 27, 2007 05:59 PM Permalink
Corruption and terrorism are different issues, If u are so disillusioned why do not u migrate to some muslim country where you will have a better life. None muslim country will take you in though u are a muslim and u will realise how u guys misuse the freedom in India. Muslims were equally guilty in riots if not more so get your facts right and dont write dumb stuff. Terrorism needs to dealt in the most stern manner and that goes for all involved irrespective of religion. It is a fact that its mostly muslims involved and if you are sensible you should treat those muslims as outcast so that they do not give a bad name to Islam on the whole. think u dont realise that they are a bigger harm to Islam and muslims than anyone else.
RE:RE:RE:Too soft a sentence
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:33 PM Permalink
for bhatkar sometimes u say Hindus and sometime Cristians.It is better that u go to some mentally retarded hospital for some checkup or get admitted. if u don't know i will suggest u.