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by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 07:30 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Guys, What do u mean by Religion? Is is by GOD, is it by people?

Religion is something a man can exhibit on his learnings by helping others and the world....Those who are selfish are not religious...This is one of the quotes from Swami Vivekananda...I am sure there shud be some more quotes abt religion in Gita, Bible, Koran!! Pls for "GODs" sake dont ever talk abt religion in any of the forum!!!

People who debate on religion in this forum are really pathetic!! n want to create a WORD WAR again!!

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Message deleted by moderator
by JGN on Jul 27, 2007 08:24 PM   Permalink
Dear Kartik, a reply to your sane message has also been removed following abuse altert! I have not seen that. That is the level of our tolerance.

Until we all realize the futility of religions and the so-called holy books, this fight will go on.

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by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 09:37 PM   Permalink
Dear JGN, neither did I see the message...but some goodie has complained about my English
"Surya Kanishka on Jul 27, 2007 08:07 PM
Moronic Karthik,

The 1993 blasts are a fall out of Babri Masjid, Please know before you bark with your half dead brain"

He has a point in it...Some Fools destroyed Babri Masjid, and this might have happened!! But he is justifying this incident!! Wat a shame!! But Mr.surya, hundreds of HINDUS and MUSLIMS were killed in the bombings...a political issue has been framed as Religious issue. As long as it is understood, no one will blame a Muslim for this act. Dawood ibrahim and Pakistan's ISI are the master mind and the bombings were carried out by J-E-M and L.E.T

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by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 05:13 PM   Permalink
I M with u Karthik

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