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Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by ssddssdd on Jul 27, 2007 11:43 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

No muslim supports punishment for terrorists and all muslims condone terrorist acts with convoluted reasons of the victims deserving it actually ! Just makes one wonder what kind of ideology teaches them to do that. Remember Radhabai Chawl, all 11 muslims were acquitted for roasting alive 6 Hindus, reason disputed structure was demolished. BTW, Radhabai chawl incident actually sparked the riots. So, muslims, introspect. If there is God, any God, His teachings will not support that. If it does, He is not God, but a maniac. And any human who justifies burning alive humans (remember Godhra) is not fit to be called human.

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  RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by alpha consulting on Jul 28, 2007 12:39 AM   Permalink
Donot blame or bring God in to this, God is a very big compared to humans. He is the master of the Universe which includes earth. Hence Humans are not even a dot when you compare the power and magnanmity of God.

Coming back to your post about Godhra, its a proven fact from the enquiry commission that, that the fire was started inside the train compartment and not from outside, its only hindus who burned other hindus(humans)alive and muslims were wrongly blamed and killed.

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  RE:RE:RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by Maan Singh on Jul 29, 2007 12:44 PM   Permalink
see situations of muslims currently it seems u i think currently ur facing God's wrath

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  RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by Maan Singh on Jul 29, 2007 12:42 PM   Permalink
there is no report proving that fire was from inside

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  RE:Radhabai chawl, remember ?
by ssddssdd on Jul 28, 2007 01:29 AM   Permalink
yeah, just like 9/11 was done by US/Isreal, Kashmiri Pandits killed themselves, Indian Parliament tried to attack itself, many many more....So, let's apply same logic to Guj and Mumbai riots. Lying million times does not change truth...

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