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how many
by zubair shighrekar on Jul 27, 2007 04:27 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

how many got the death sentence?????

the number shd be equal to the blast took place in 1993....(atleast one each for every blast)

what say????

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  RE:how many
by AG B on Jul 27, 2007 04:49 PM   Permalink
Instant death and recovery of 80% of the criminal's earnings and assets to PMs relief fund must be the verdict. We must recover the money given to the victims from the criminals and their Paki/Saudi masters.
Otherwise these fellas will come out either by presidential pardon or thru their terrorist colleagues hijacking a plane or a minister. With their financial clout they can run a parallel govt itself.

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  RE:RE:how many
by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 05:22 PM   Permalink
the recovery of the blast has taken from the guilty person. the recovery amount will be used for our leaders not for the publics use.Where is the money is going whe the country is taking loan from other country. u Know that every indian is having a loan amount of Rs 2,250.00 net per day . U cn calculate this amount according to our population.

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Memons' sentence over in 40 mts