every woman says that she is equal to male counterpart in all aspacts of life. Even women have started capturing the world then why there is no equality for the capital punishment.why Rubeena was given life sentence instead of capital punishment.This disparity should not be there in our law. Now Rubeena will get bail (like she was on bail)and again will be involved in terrorist activities. Humarra Kanoon bahut hee lachila hai. It is meant to help politicians and criminals
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 27, 2007 08:10 PM Permalink
abe ullu!!! then y sanjay is out he had arms spoke with chota shakeel for 40 minutes!and mark ma wrods he will eb freee!!!band u speak about equality when u had burnt ur women after their hubbies died u??????????????? abe chal bihari!!!
by hitanshu on Jul 27, 2007 09:57 PM Permalink
To haroon galib....your language suggest your status...your dirty blood...nothing else to say....jai hind
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 09:42 PM Permalink
i think your english and understanding is also poor. my views are regarding for equality between man and woman, why u are mixing religion . are u feeling shame on your ????????????????. it confirm that u are much bigger ullu!!!!!!!! hahaha
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 09:46 PM Permalink
then what about other menon brothers why they are not hanged , it is because of sickness only. one last thing Thapper and menon brothers all should be hanged.terror in any way is harmful to the society.