So that you could meet HIS FACELESS TERRORIST GOD!
Why are we stopping him?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
by Kiran Dave on Jul 27, 2007 05:11 PM Permalink
I think you are from Pakistan ? ? Your types of people are shouting everytime for problems. What your need from Hindustan? We are indian first then Hindu / Muslims & Indian people had give a full chance to Muslims to be a MP / MLA / President, Captain of Indian Cricket team, Tennis Star, Actors, Actress ?? ? What you people gave to India ? ?? Only bomblsts ? ? ?
by ismail shaikh on Jul 28, 2007 05:18 PM Permalink
this is the wrong way to answer. when the riots has taken plce the Shri balashaheb Thakeray was a chif minister if he has taken action that time the riots will not have taken place .about narendar modi he is also that kind of person to will the election .