RE:RE:Everything is planned BY NAVED SUTHRIWALA
by lynal dsouza on Jul 27, 2007 05:47 PM Permalink
i dont think it was only the loss of muslims in these riots many hindus too losed their life and to some extent i agree with u that these also are to be punnished. but as far as this is concerned i think this was an appropriate decission for all and i believe that even if a hindu would had been involved he too would have met with such punishment but sadly we see because of few your wjole community is being defamed so better try to improve ur self rather than pointing finger to others that will help bring peace and communal harmony.
RE:Everything is planned BY NAVED SUTHRIWALA
by Srinivas Rao on Jul 27, 2007 06:18 PM Permalink
Can any one explain me how riots in other parts of India affected Memon brothers, so that they have taken this drastic step, none -as observed by our honourable judge Kode. When ever these guys think they think in terms of religion. None of these accused is affected directly or indirectly by the riots, then whats the crap this fellow Naved is talking about ? Ask these fellows leave the country if they dont like it. We have enough problems to resolve.
RE:Everything is planned BY NAVED SUTHRIWALA
by stephen black on Jul 27, 2007 05:36 PM Permalink
Most of the times riots have been initiated in other parts of the country by Muslims in muslim majority areas and others are affected. Can you recount any of those. How about the non-muslim families affected by the riots ever want to speak about them. Is all about muslim welfare or are there any other so called minorities in India. Is an atorcity against a minority a crime and is fine if its aginst the majority community. If you have an opinion be fair and just and do not just talk about on religion or community.