even sunjay dutt shold be given severe punishment just because he is son of sunil dutt or a bollywood actor shall not be freed..the punishment from the public can be ...stop watching his movies..but we indians can'nt do that we forgive and forget..even the supreme lord will not be that kind hearted
RE:93 bomb blast
by john on Jul 27, 2007 04:38 PM Permalink
but he has not given shelter to anyone nor killed. he has possessed the ak47 for his self-defence. hence he should not be given death/life prison. he should be punished for not having the licence
RE:RE:93 bomb blast
by Karunanidhi on Jul 27, 2007 04:58 PM Permalink
You sick John, AK47 for self-defence? He should not be hanged but she should be at least 10 years behind the bar.
RE:RE:93 bomb blast
by Me Patel on Jul 27, 2007 04:52 PM Permalink
do u know john what is AK47 and how to get it ... with love from pakistan? Self defence ....from whom?
RE:93 bomb blast
by deshmukh m on Jul 27, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
Yes, he collaborated with them but not for TERRORISM.He is not involved in any act which harmed gen publick.He has nottaken part in any of the Supplies to terrorists or arranging finance, arms planting etc.He should be punished for posession of arms without licence. Marwah
RE:93 bomb blast
by amit goyal on Jul 27, 2007 10:51 PM Permalink
rememeber bhatkar sunil dutt won election where muslims are in majority.If it is so then why u people elected sunil dutt.
RE:93 bomb blast
by Kiran Dave on Jul 27, 2007 05:05 PM Permalink
I think you are from Pakistan or a son of Pakistani. Why you are loving of the possessor of Ak 47 ? ? ?Are you from bollywood ?
RE:93 bomb blast
by kothandapani muthu on Jul 27, 2007 05:14 PM Permalink
Hey this is Gr8.i too can carry Ak47 if have with license in the streets...Gud..