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No religion
by Aki on Jul 27, 2007 08:12 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

We should not have any religion. Having religion just gives people excuses to kill each other. And these reasons are really silly reasons too, since there is one god anyway. Lets have god, but no religion.

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  RE:No religion
by Kaushik Das on Jul 27, 2007 10:03 PM   Permalink
on the contrary, we SHOULD have religion but not cults. It is cults that try to get their followers to kill others. Religions talk of good things and the need to differentiate good from bad. If we do not have religions, how will you differentiate the good from the bad? On what axioms will you base your decisions? How will you defend your consciousness?

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  RE:No religion
by JGN on Jul 27, 2007 10:16 PM   Permalink
Dear Kaushik Das, there is something called conscience in every human being. We judge our actions on the basis of benefit for the humanity. Almost two-thirds of all wars fought by humanity was in the name of religion and non-existent gods!

A study conducted in the jails of Sri Lanka some time back revealed that less than one third of one percent (1/3%) criminals were atheists and the rest for adherent followers of various religions. So much for moral teachings of the religions and the so-called holy books!!!!

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  RE:No religion
by Sarath Chandra on Jul 27, 2007 10:46 PM   Permalink
yes, whether people like it or not, many studies have concluded that people who proclaim themselves atheists and agnostics are least likely to be criminals. I think many even know that they are basically very moral. Defenders of religion can say that the religion is being misinterpreted. But does it matter? And as long as it is liable to be interpreted a 1000 ways, how does anyone know what's the right interpretation?

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  RE:No religion
by JGN on Jul 27, 2007 08:27 PM   Permalink
The so-called holy books were creations of surrealistic visionaries and have outlived their utility. The organised religions were created by the priestly class for their vested interests.

Until we all realize the futility of religions and the so-called holy books, this fight will go on.

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