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by sasi kumar on Jul 27, 2007 04:38 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Judge P D Khode is to be awarded the most prestigious awad available in the country for showing courage to give the bloody terrorists the maximum punishment. Those involved seriously should be given death sentence irrespective of their age, ailment etc. Hats off to Judge Khode. If we have someone like him in the helm of affairs(such as President/PM)
the country can improve a lot and get rid off the terorism to some extent. Only worrying factor is that the court should not take such long time to award the punishment. It should be done immediately.

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by rithesh k on Jul 27, 2007 04:47 PM   Permalink
Well said I too agree 100% on that

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by virender sindhu on Jul 27, 2007 04:55 PM   Permalink
He should be given bronze medal for taking too much time. if he has finshed it earlier than he may have got the gold medal

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Memons' sentence over in 40 mts