so, one thing which stands out is that ISLAM came to INDIA(BHARATH). All the current MUSLIMS atleast in our country were HINDUS earlier and have converted.So, when all our ancestors were HINDUS, why there is a difference.
RE:Another Bhopal family claims French royal lineage
by Human Indian on Jul 23, 2007 11:19 AM Permalink
Dear brother, All human beings r product of one male female..and all the people from bush's to osama's were doing Idol worship. God has created Brhama / Universe / Alam..not only Bharat or pakistan.Muslims or christans or Jews r not came directly from sky..their forefathers to forefathers were all doing Idol worship..and dear friend HIndu is not a read u r own books ur self..Like self called Mullha r manupualting young muslim, who say that ordinary human being cant understand Quran..(Which is totally false) The Quran is addressed to Mankind and not to muslims only, so the question of not understanding by normal human is all lie, that is the way they r making their bread and butter..Same way other relegion preachers r lieing about the holy books..In all major relegion books u will find prophecy about a new holy book which is going to come after that..Vedas / Bible / Torha all have prophecy about Quran and read ur self..
RE:Another Bhopal family claims French royal lineage
by hemanth ba on Jul 23, 2007 12:22 PM Permalink
Looks our reformer Human Indian is another phsycho born out of a terrorrist who wants to spread islam to the world.Im sure he would be one of the suspects in the next terrorist crime to rock the world.
RE:Another Bhopal family claims French royal lineage
by Human Indian on Jul 23, 2007 01:48 PM Permalink
u r kind of cowards..who r afraid of truth..u dont know the real meaning of terrorisam / Terrorists..start from class 1 again u might learn some good things..u r name suggest u r hemanth bai..u man got a female again it is not u r mistake..u r looks like middle of something..