RE:u r wrong malaya..
by INDIAN on Jul 19, 2007 04:43 PM Permalink
what is wrong with IDOL worshiping? it is 1000 times better than - Bombing and Terrorist activities.
RE:RE:u r wrong malaya..
by rajukunji on Jul 19, 2007 04:56 PM Permalink
human indian so when are u going to help afzal,osamabin laden, nabeel ahmed,sabeel ahmed SIMI institutions to kill more innocents in the name of jihad. and blame on lal krishna advani, modi that because them u did this act of terror. And ask people like Shabana azmi,arundhati roy, javed akhtar mulayam singh yadav to cover you in the name of minority?
RE:RE:u r wrong malaya..
by Human Indian on Jul 19, 2007 06:16 PM Permalink
which crime.. how many r killed in Iraq and afganistan ? have any whom?u ignoreant coward.Islam doesnt allow to kill innocent in the same way it doesnt permit one to sit ideal and get killed by some bush or blair..they r paying for it and will pay for it from their nose..wait and see..