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Deal or No Deal
by Xiao Grove on Jul 16, 2007 08:51 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

India should agree with US on the deal to obtain US technology and refrain from nuclear test. This will help on decrease oil price and keep the peace of the world. No unclear test is needed when we have nuclear bomb. No other nuclear country conduct nuclear test since 1998.

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  RE:Deal or No Deal
by Nitin Kumar on Jul 16, 2007 09:56 AM   Permalink
Are you nuts or what? What if Pakistan or China conducts a test? If you don't understand the geopolitical scenario of this region, then you should keep your mouth shut rather than making these ridiculous statements.

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  RE:Deal or No Deal
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on Jul 16, 2007 11:09 AM   Permalink
u are full of blundes, dude.. Think many times before reporting here. Though Oil price reduces by entering into this deal, The money spent on this deal should also be considered. Its like saving inOil and spending on Nuclear fuel. WHere is the decrese its more since spent fuel ois not allowed to be reused/processed. I am sure u dont know about this. No nuclear country is nedded is correct but all three sides India is surrounded by Enemies with Nuclear capabilities. In pre Cold War era usa did Nuclear tests since it wnated to topple USSR and that time hwat it did is also wrong. Then why now u are claiming that nuclear tests are not to be done. Let usa dump everything and declare itself non nuclear country then India shall think in reciprocation. Ur main blunder is that after 1998 North Korea has conducted the Nuclear test in August Last year. Lols, u forgot taht entirely.. Before supporting usa think and understand where she is wrong..

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  RE:Deal or No Deal
by Anti Terrorist on Jul 16, 2007 10:22 AM   Permalink
"..No other nuclear country conduct nuclear test since 1998." which "other" contries you are refering to ? US,Russia and China have conducted Nuclear Test 1000's of time , UK and France have conducted 100's of times .they dont need to test yet again , in comparision we have conducted test ONLY on 6 times since 1974.

And I dont understand you logic of linking india Nuclear test and World peace and Oil Prices ??? May be you have confused yourself somewhere

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  RE:Deal or No Deal
by Rajesh Vyas on Jul 16, 2007 11:02 AM   Permalink


There is no connection between the two. Also, India's oil requirements are peanuts comapred to those of the West and Japan.

Oil Prices are manipulated by OPEC by controlling the supplies. Let us not compormise our nuclear program (THE UPA GOVERNMENT OF MANMOHAN SINGH HAS ALREADY DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE ANYWAY!!!!) for some stupid reasons.

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  RE:Deal or No Deal
by UmaShankar SathyaKumar on Jul 16, 2007 10:10 AM   Permalink
Chinese eat pig ears and dog legs. Hence, they advice like jerk heads.

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  RE:Deal or No Deal
by inkypinky on Jul 16, 2007 10:18 AM   Permalink
america saved mao's & chinese ass from being slaughtered by imperial japanese army by defeating japan. ac/japansur/js-8.htm

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'N-deal a high-stakes gamble'