Any offer is for a consideration. But in such agreements like 123 nuclear one which is of highly sensitive and national importance, there must be invisible advantage hidden behind the consideration against the offer which seems now to be more advantageous to the nation what we get in exchange. For this reason, if it is fully possible to make ourselves sure that we can fulfill all the obligations covering the agreement without loosing our national self importance and this agreement will never tangle the nation to the disavantage of the posterity. Still enough time left to ensure that the terms and conditions of the agreement is well read and understood taking all remarks on the disadvantages and dangers lying in the offer agreement during negotations by our peers and experts into consideration. As a nation we enjoy a sort of freedom and that is what India cherish in memory when identifying ourselves with the yester years' struggling to achieve it and we in no want to loose it due to anybody's folly actions. This is nothing wrong if both sides in the event of an agreemt expect more than what is given and if there is no lacuna on the unexpected and unexhibited agenda if any, then nothing to worry about!