RE:Why did the message reported for abuse?
by prakash kumar on Jul 13, 2007 10:38 AM Permalink
a lot of pakis think that pakistan was created exclusively for muslims. This is what happens when a country is created on one and only one basis religion. It is a different matter that they could not even keep Bangladesh together even though they were muslims too.
A lot of this is brainwash. Have you read This is from a former muslim who quit being a muslim. He was sent to pakistan and says he found a hatred for Gandhi (same gandhi who gave up his life for the noble cause of Islam :-) ) and indians in general. Just like in school people used to joke when they went to toilet, they said they were going to pakistan :-). So the brainwash is on both sides.
RE:Why did the message reported for abuse?
by Hindustani on Jul 13, 2007 11:54 AM Permalink
It Seems that REDIFF MODERATOR is a MUSLIM And is FAVORING the MUSLIM Sentiments ....... MODERATOR Specifically FILTERS OFF Messages Which Bring out 'TRUTH' About MUSLIM EXTREMISM And Injustice Done by Muslims Against NON MUSLIMS ....... WHAT A SHAME !!!!!!!!!!
Dear MODERATOR If Are A MUSLIM Than We Expect You to Continue the Same in FUTURE ..... ELSE You ATLEAST Become NEUTRAL And IMPARTIAL !!!!!