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Muslims, please cover with a blanket during sex.
by Jay on Jul 13, 2007 07:57 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Rift among scholars over nudity among married couples Agencies

Cairo: An Egyptian cleric's controversial fatwa claiming that nudity during sexual intercourse invalidates a marriage has uncovered a rift among Islamic scholars.

According to the religious edict issued by Rashad Hassan Khalil, a former dean of Al-Azhar University's faculty of Sharia, "being completely naked during the act of coitus annuls the marriage".

The religious decree sparked a hot debate on the private satellite network Dream's popular religious talk show and on the front page of yesterday's Al-Masri Al-Yom, Egypt's leading independent daily newspaper.

Suad Saleh, who heads the women's department of Al-Azhar's Islamic studies faculty, pleaded for "anything that can bring spouses closer to each other" and rejected the claim that nudity during intercourse could invalidate a union.

Al-Azhar's fatwa committee chairman Abdullah Megawar argued that married couples could see each other naked but should not look at each other's genitalia and suggested they cover up with a blanket during sex.

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  RE:Muslims, please cover with a blanket during sex.
by Murthy on Jul 13, 2007 10:34 AM   Permalink
One of my muslim says he will have sex only under a blanket

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  RE:Muslims, please cover with a blanket during sex.
by Murthy on Jul 13, 2007 11:25 AM   Permalink
it was one of my muslim friend

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  RE:Muslims, please cover with a blanket during sex.
by Jay on Jul 13, 2007 10:55 AM   Permalink
These muslism are confused, they are stuck with outdated religion and holy book and now struggling to adjust with modern world.

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