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Some advices to Pakis
by rama prasad on Jul 09, 2007 10:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Inorder to be alive and lead ur life normally, this is high time for u to follow this
1. Resume ur agricultural practices as u dont have food security: If not u will end up in the most violent civil war in the world so far for food.
2. Stop ur undue effort to destabilize Kashmir: If not u will one day has to see what the stone age is by the power full India. Better think that u are a no match for India. India is almost a century ahead of u in terms of all.
3. Simply accept urself as an utter failure state and start thinking in a different way in order to catch up with developement: If not there is no hope for u in any segments.
4. Come out of mullahs and mosques as there is more to think and do. Give scientific education to kids rather than swinging ur body in madrassas and chanting: If not no hopes or future for ur kids.
5. Think that Islam is like any other religion and dont be dreaming like it is best.
6. Try to analyze what is hapening in within Pak. If not u will have nothing to control other than ur shit.
Last but not least: The whole world knows about the origin of terrorism that is u. If u dont rectify urself atleast now there wont be a state called pakistan in the map.
100 Cr Indians dont like u because of ur attitude and uncivilization.

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Time to resolve Kashmir: Pak