With the Red Mosque incident, it seems terrorism has now started pinching Pakistan a little more painfully. Pakistan now wants to solve the Kashmir issue because they don't want this to bring more trouble for them. India may now hammer since the iron is glowing hot.
RE:Resolving Kashmir issue
by iluvtaj on Jul 09, 2007 11:50 PM Permalink
yes you r right, this is the right time, we faced so much of terrorsim now is the time to solve all problems
RE:Resolving Kashmir issue
by Loan Shark on Jul 09, 2007 11:49 PM Permalink
you may be right ... the paki moderates are fearing that they may soon be controlled by the extremeists if they fail to bring them under control ... but I still doubt pakistan's sincerity in this offer. in all liklihood it is just another eyewash
but, if pakistan really wants to resolve the issue and stop sponsoring terrorism in kashmir that India has often accused it of, I'd say go for it ...
congress govt. should make full use of every diplomatic opportunity.