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Pakis on rediff
by on Jul 10, 2007 02:09 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Friends,

Some Pakis and their Supporters like Kashmiri Muslims r joining Indian Discussion rooms and chat rooms, pretending to be Indians..
They start diverting any discussion into Caste wars, Political Wars BJP Vs Cong, regional wars North Vs South, Maratha Vs Bihari, Kashmri Hindus Vs Jammu Hindus etc...

Please Beware of them..They have no other work but to break us via internet

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  RE:Pakis on rediff
by Lalit Sharma on Jul 10, 2007 02:34 AM   Permalink
I belive we broke Pakistan into two in 1971.
they forgot ???
Hey... Paki's NWP and Baloochistan are on the cards.

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  RE:Pakis on rediff
by giddu on Jul 10, 2007 02:20 AM   Permalink
Let them join dude. Even they should learn that they can't win even in new technology...
Obviously with our word's power.
Don't worry, they can't win with discussions...they know only fight like ox in jungle...

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  RE:Pakis on rediff
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 02:16 AM   Permalink
The ruling party in the southern State of
Andhra Pradesh, made up of nationalist Hindus, has accused missionaries coming from Canada and the United States of organizing conversions to Christianity through fraud among local outcastes, and has called for their arrest and deportation.

S.V. Seshagiri Rao, vice-president of the Bharatia Janata Party [BJP, India's biggest political party of nationalist-Hindu inspiration] made this allegation last week during a press conference in the capital. He said: "Teams of Christian missionaries have fanned out in various tribal areas of Nalgonda district and are forcibly converting tribals to Christianity."

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  RE:RE:Pakis on rediff
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 02:17 AM   Permalink

K S Sudarshan, leader of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh [RSS, paramilitary formation of fundamentalist nationalist Hindus, ed.], yesterday accused American Intelligence of seeking to convert India to Christianity with the help of non-governmental organizations.

The leader said: "The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency, ed.] wants to have one Christian church in every post office area. To attain this end, the American President Bush allocated 20 billion dollars."

Sudarshan made these charges during celebrations marking 100 years since the setting up of the RSS that were held in Madurai.

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  RE:Pakis on rediff
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 02:39 AM   Permalink
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 02:30 AM | Hide replies

Enough of this relegious flame baiting, do you Kaffirs have any answers to this
Economic growth Bakistan 420%, Hindoostan 9%
Hijda% in army
bakistan 99%(rest 1% are females)India 0%
Terrorists/square mile Bakistan 250, India 0.00000001
Failed state ranking Bakistan 12 , Hindoostan not even n the list LOL
inbreeding population Bakistan 95% ,hindustan negligible data not available
Forex reserves: Bakistan 420 billion dollars(all printed in Pindi ) Hindustan 240 billion
Minority genocide index Bakistan 100%, hindustan 0%
child marriages Bakistan 77.9%, Hindoostan 0.2%
Mental retardation Bakistan 99/100, hindustan 0.2/100
No of males marrying goats/100 Bakistan 86, hindustan 0
IT world rankings Bakistan 1 India 78
See bakistan beats India hands down(where?) in all indices/ pakistan ka matlab kya ?Bloody Indian kufrs

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  RE:RE:Pakis on rediff
by Manoj Kumar on Jul 10, 2007 02:24 AM   Permalink
"The ruling party in the southern State of
Andhra Pradesh, made up of nationalist Hindus"

Mr. Dalit King,

Who told you that the government in Andhara Pradesh is made up of nationalist Hindus? Confress is in power in AP and you ahould know that if you were Indian.

This guy's a paki...

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  RE:Pakis on rediff
by Dalit King on Jul 10, 2007 02:35 AM   Permalink
Paki...who me....haha...Andhra Pradesh: Hindu leaders call for arrest and deportation of Christian missionaries
by Nirmala Carvalho
The vice-president of the BJP composed of nationalist Hindus has accused 68 foreigners in the area of converting 6,000 tribals through fraud. He urged police to intervene instead of just looking on. The nationalists said that "according to information in their possession", already about 4,000 persons had converted to Christianity in 30 villages in Nalgonda and Guntur districts and a further 2,000 in Nidamanooru, Anumola and Gurrampodu.

Rao continued: "The 68 foreigners in the area divided into several teams that are visiting villages with the help of locals for their conversion work. The matter was reported to the Nalgonda police but no action was initiated

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Time to resolve Kashmir: Pak