A muslim is only for a muslim, neither for after nor for before. Its not blame. Just think yourself, Mohmmad never said in Koran about Jihad to kill the people for land. Its all the intrepretation made by some anti - social elements. Because of your rottled brains(not all but most of you all) are not able to understand how you are spoiling you and your dependent lives and finally your mother land. So come on...think...you guys thinking power is less...now its time to think positively...think think think....at least for your bache kalia socho yaro....how world is watching you...its shame if you are a true muslim.
RE:Latest meaning of muslims
by Hasan on Jul 10, 2007 01:34 AM Permalink
I totally agree with u, islam doesnt preach terrorism but it is the mindset of some of these freaks coz of which the image of whole muslim community is being tarnished
RE:Latest meaning of muslims
by on Jul 10, 2007 01:43 AM Permalink
Why r Muslims not telling that..Why they rally when Gujrat riots occur and They do not bother when Hindus r killed in Kashmir/Mumbai/Eastern UP...
Why r they more bothered about India..Indian way of life..
I have never seen Muslims protesting killing of Hindus in any part of India..But Hindus always came out on Gujrat killings..