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Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 10, 2007 12:23 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

dear indians y are u panicking its unresolved issue in UN,ur govt have told u its integral part of india for vote banks!reality is otherwise!!!the reality is from nehru till today india isnt hokding the plebescite that it made commitment on in front of the world!!! so get the facts right awien bal bak nai kartay!!!

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  RE:Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by on Jul 10, 2007 01:51 AM   Permalink
Plebesite will soon occur in Balochistan and Wazristan..It already happened in Bangladesh in 1971...

If U do not want to be with India a direct Bust goes to POK...

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  RE:Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by Bakistani on Jul 10, 2007 12:25 AM   Permalink
Diyar Indian phriends
I am from Bakistan, the 12th best country in the world in the failed state list, I yam bery broud opf that, bhat an acheevment, 60 years after our Broud phreedim phiters got us phreedom(and you too) we are close to reaching the no 1 sbot, bhere are you ? artiphicial growth phigures of 9% when 99.99% of bobulation is in boverty, the rest 99.999999% are starving. Bhy do you want kashmir? Kashmiris are our birathers and cousin birathers , we share common heritage and ancestors, yes we did not evolve from monkeys like you short dark mongoloid Indians, we are yet to evolve, if you see what I mean. You guys are enjoying the Lal Masjid issue arent you? Well see how brave our relegious leaders are, they can also cross dress to uphold thier honour and dignity, do you have any such leaders? no, you guys have inferior genes which makes you either male or female, our genes always keeps us in between ,See our kirket blayers, Afridi,Shoiab Malik etc can you recognise them if they wear a burqah with face uncovered? Have you seen them celebrate when they take a wicket? isnt it distinctly feminine and thus doesnt it decieve you all? We are destined to rule this world as we are the sword arm as well as citadel of Islam, see how we developed nookleer weapunj, all our hard work and teknologey, See how many missiles we have, see our phighter blanes and bilots who shot down Stealth blanes and phlying saucers in the Kargil war, Why do yo still not understand and give us Kash

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  RE:Kashmir is a disputed territory!!
by qayoom hassan on Jul 10, 2007 12:39 AM   Permalink

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Time to resolve Kashmir: Pak