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Clean up your basketcase country FIRST
by Six Sigma on Jul 10, 2007 02:35 AM   Permalink

Stupid pakistanis - am pretty sure that entire country would commit suicide if kashmir issue was resolved - their nation is falling apart and they're still on that fraggin' subject KASHMIR - its been a whine whine whine since 1948!!! SAME thing over and over!! 3 attempts on their president, one of these days the extremists WILL kill him and the nation will crumble(already its on its way to a meltdown)..
But whats on their mind?? KASH-fraggin-MIR!!!

Sheesh - why are we surrounded by the biggest losers on all side - Pak Bangladesh nepal - the only shining light is sri lanka who have some self respect!!!

There's NO WAY India can catch up to China since it has such dynamic countries as neighbours - Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan..even Russsia!!

All we have are these deeply introverted economies who are archaic, ancient and have absolutely NOTHING in the foreign poiciy thats development oriented - with PAkis its Kashmir ALONE and with the bangladeshis its the fraggin GANGA water and their repeated attempts to push their worthless population into india !!!

And my fellow pakistanis, having 20 billion $ as Forex is NOT something to be proud can disappear overnight if the country gets downgraded by credit agencies - even india with 200 Billion $ can only STATE its comfortable..we become like pakistan - we can kiss all that forex DONT argue with me about an economy thats farce!!! (as always some paki does in my blog whenever someone points out the cold truth)


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Time to resolve Kashmir: Pak