when mohd bin qassim came to attack india, his commander asked him that there is a big army and it is difficult to fight with them. qasim replied, it is very easy..you don't see indians are cooking their food seperately and it is very easy to disintrigate them... before thousand yrs qasim recognised this.... after reading this forum anybody can realize what qassim had realized before 1000 yrs still we have same situation.... so my sincere request to all that don't show others that Indians are divided into religions/cast/regions and hate each others. we are only and only Indians.
by Imaan on Jul 09, 2007 02:25 PM Permalink
Mohd Bin Qasim Didnot Come To Attack For Nothing. Raja Dheer Had Muslim Traders Captured And Supported The Pirates Of The Arabian Sea Against The Muslim Traders. He even refused to release the Muslim Traders Who have been trading With South India, Indonesia & Malsysia peacefully for decades and for centuries before they became muslims.
His attack was primarily to secure the release of Muslim Traders! For Hindus He was a Destroyer but for those Muslim Treaders He Was A Saviour!
by Anshuman Mishra on Jul 09, 2007 02:42 PM Permalink
Even muslims in the India and Pakistan follow caste system. A high caste pathan may not marry his daughter to a memon. Even the segregation is cooking also exists and so does in marriage. Do not blame hinduism for the segregation. I have stack full of proofs. Do not quote Qasim who was nothig but a war lord of his time and constantly needed new plunder to feed his army.
by inkypinky on Jul 09, 2007 02:35 PM Permalink
ok qassim came to rescue someone according to you....but what about babbar, timur, ghazni, ghori, khilji....they came for sightseeing ?
RE:same by Anshuman Mishra on Jul 09, 2007 02:42 PM Even muslims in the India and Pakistan follow caste system. A high caste pathan may not marry his daughter to a memon. Even the segregation is cooking also exists and so does in marriage. Do not blame hinduism for the segregation. I have stack full of proofs. Do not quote Qasim who was nothig but a war lord of his time and constantly needed new plunder to feed his army.