by indian on Jul 09, 2007 02:22 PM Permalink
ha ha ha muslim...joke of the millenium...Islam is the fastest growing cancer of the body (world). All Terrorists = Muslims.
by sumit dey on Jul 09, 2007 02:02 PM Permalink
Dear most respected and faithfull Muslim, I am very happy to see your comments and beleive that you are a true muslim. But with that I must say that people like you are very very rare ....1 in 100000....and if there are we are not told about them ... Actually you are a very good person and people like you exist in all religions ... Loving and respecting ones religion is a very good thing and everyone should ... But can you tell me when can a Mullah or cleric in a Mosque become allah or his follower specially when he preaches "to kill". I think all religion esp Islam talks about "loving people and to Pardon" . I dont have any grudge about Islam or people but I am very confused about three things 1) How can a simple Cleric be compared to ALLah. 2) how can people accept such a cleric 3) how can a cleric give political comments. It strickly states in Kuran that Relious people work for better of people not induling in materialistic world..Poolitics means materialsm
by greatmo on Jul 09, 2007 02:04 PM Permalink
worship to the black box (biggest idol) which inside got almanat aluzza allat idols. and also one black stone name aswar. I think not many people know this.Do a google search.they are the biggest pagan claimimg worshipping the unseen but has the biggest mouth