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by indian on Jul 09, 2007 02:22 PM   Permalink
ha ha ha muslim...joke of the millenium...Islam is the fastest growing cancer of the body (world).
All Terrorists = Muslims.

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by sumit dey on Jul 09, 2007 02:02 PM   Permalink
Dear most respected and faithfull Muslim,
I am very happy to see your comments and beleive that you are a true muslim.
But with that I must say that people like you are very very rare ....1 in 100000....and if there are we are not told about them ...
Actually you are a very good person and people like you exist in all religions ...
Loving and respecting ones religion is a very good thing and everyone should ...
But can you tell me when can a Mullah or cleric in a Mosque become allah or his follower specially when he preaches "to kill". I think all religion esp Islam talks about "loving people and to Pardon" .
I dont have any grudge about Islam or people but I am very confused about three things
1) How can a simple Cleric be compared to ALLah.
2) how can people accept such a cleric
3) how can a cleric give political comments. It strickly states in Kuran that Relious people work for better of people not induling in materialistic world..Poolitics means materialsm

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by greatmo on Jul 09, 2007 02:04 PM   Permalink
worship to the black box (biggest idol)
which inside got almanat aluzza allat idols.
and also one black stone name aswar.
I think not many people know this.Do a google search.they are the biggest pagan claimimg worshipping the unseen but has the biggest mouth

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Pak defers plans to storm Masjid