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  RE:Lal Masjid
by anmol zutshi on Jul 09, 2007 01:33 PM   Permalink
My dear Mr Gupta,
Instead of denouncing secularists,please get your History and facts right.It is precisely why we do not want India to be like Saudi Arabia or for that matter any Islamic country that our Constitution tlaks about equal rights to every citizen.If some politicians play vote- bank politics our Costitution is resilient enough to face the threats but please do not create a Hindu Saudi Arabia in India.I am a Hindu and know its greatness and spiritual ethos but using religion as a political tool is a sure shot way of going down the drain as Pakistan is going.Secondly,the struggle by the Hindu LTTE terrorists is a fight against the dominating Budhhist Sinhalese majority of Sri Lanka.No known Hindu Terrorist,my foot!Terrorism is a curse but please don't simplify the curse to such an extent that we do not find a solution.

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  RE:RE:Lal Masjid
by Surya Kanishka on Jul 09, 2007 01:43 PM   Permalink


So what you want here ??? an extenion of Afghanistan and Iraq will satisfy you. Which spirituality you are talking they dont exist now in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh. It just disappeared.

You dont stand and fight spirituality will disappear in India aslo.

Dont be a fog in a well.


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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak defers plans to storm Masjid