These pseudo secular leaders of India should learn something from Musharaff. Our leaders r crying over Babri Masjid which wasnt even a masjid as no namaz was done there for ages. Still our leaders made an issue of it. Mush is ready to Bomb the whole Lal Masjid to kill fanatics. Hats off to MUSH. Carry on Mush. Destroy these evil Islamists.
RE:pseudo-secular leaders
by Hans Solo on Jul 09, 2007 02:54 PM Permalink
For ur info, the Lal Masjid refers to an entire area. The actual masjid is 4 KMs away from where the rebels are hold up.
RE:pseudo-secular leaders
by Aris on Jul 09, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
namaz was banned by GOI in 1949......... Shame on you you are asking India to follow pakistan a country that ahs no rule of law on the edge of civil war...... People like you should be hanged to degrace India as a nation & a pride state of a billion