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get paid for spreading hatred?
by RAMA on Jul 09, 2007 03:59 PM   Permalink

Definitely Hindus & Muslims in this country have lived together and are still living peacefully. The hatred is spread by the 4% Brahmins. These 4% have their own reasons to spread hatred & create Islamic phobia or Conversion phobia in the minds of people.

Historically there was nothing good for people other than Brahmins to be called Hindus. Hinduism was the exclusive property of Brahmins. TEMPLES, GODS, SCRIPTURES, EDUCATION, LITERATURE, ADMINISTRATION, ROADS, and everything premier exclusively belonged to Brahmins. Thanks to British Raj, the gates of education were opened even for common people other than Brahmins. Otherwise others would be still cleaning the streets and only this 4% would be the people of GOD. This community has ruthlessly treated the others as dogs

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