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getting paid for spreading hatred?
by RAMA on Jul 09, 2007 03:51 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The same Brahmins with their nonsense organisations like RSS/VHP/Bajrangi's & BJP are unnecessarily spreading hatred among Hindus & the people of oher religion. These thugs are just 4% but using the National resources of more than 80%. Each & every private organisation, be it software, media, banking, Manufacturing, financial institution all are filled by Brahmins. These private companies give 90% of total jobs. These people do not want others to grow financially, educationally & socially. Hence they continuously try to fight tooth & nail any worthwhile attempt to uplift the backwards. Now, in order to divert the attention of the Nation from the real issues of social imbalance, they have devised these new methods of spreading hatred against the minorities. Their organisations like RSS & their thugs are busy in spreading hatred. They do not do anything ELSE.

Harmony will exist only if the BC's -25%, OBC's - 52% & Muslims - 15% will unite for their own progress. Otherwise this 4% will always try to split this majority just to enjoy their own superiority

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  RE:getting paid for spreading hatred?
by Anurag Shrivastava on Jul 09, 2007 04:02 PM   Permalink
I am not a brahmin - but the truth is that brahmins seem to have left behind in national progress and some other castes have actually gone ahead of brahmins. Blaming chotiwallas for india's ills is blatantly unfair as the poor brahmin is struggling to adjust to the fast pace businessmen who rule the roost today. Amd very few of them are brahmins.

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  RE:getting paid for spreading hatred?
by Vaempuli V on Jul 09, 2007 04:00 PM   Permalink
yeah go tell Mayawati this . Also inform Bush and Busharaf about how brahmins are behind Lalmasjid conspiracy and perhaps how Osama Bin Laden is brahmin from Saudi Arabia...

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