why not now indian muslim say anything when their so called muslim brother of pak destroying mosque.why not they come to the streets.if it happens in india then they all comes to street.dont show this double standard. jai hind.
RE:destroying mosque
by maqsood ali on Jul 09, 2007 01:30 PM Permalink
Dear Friend,
Dont cultivate such extreme hatred in yourself, coz hatred breeds more hatred, such extreme feelings are not good for your mind and health. wish you a goodlife.
RE:destroying mosque
by Peaceful Ocean on Jul 09, 2007 01:09 PM Permalink
Where are our human rightists(secular), Habibs, Azmis, Sarkars, Karats, Sonis,Yechuris,JNU intelligentia (academic and student varieties) raising their voice against this atrocities on peaceful populace going about their peaceful religious activities???
RE:destroying mosque
by Tabassum Javed on Jul 09, 2007 01:11 PM Permalink
Muslims ...... denounce any act of terrorism. Muslims ...... denounce the use of place of worship for illegal activities performed against the humanity.
This should not be seen as an act of sabotaging a mosque ...... but as an act of booking the culprits. Allah is in our heart and not in a mosque. Inshallah once the act is over .... we will reconstruct the mosque again.
Muslims never destroy a place of worship for no reasons. Muslims never indulge in Blasphemy as do the ppl of other religion do .... which is so much evident from this very blog site.
RE:destroying mosque
by ramesh pandey on Jul 09, 2007 01:43 PM Permalink
U r going through DOUBLE STANDARDS Tabassum
C clearly whole history is full of Arrogant/Pathetic deeds of Muslims Anywhere in the world except LTTE any militant organization active is deem dead sure to be Muslim Whats ur take on that???