You bloody cheat, you are reaping what you sow. You deserve even more. Atleast other countries should wake up now and know the true colour of pakistan.
RE:You deserve
by Aadi Manav on Jul 09, 2007 01:11 PM Permalink
we have also done no good. We indians demolished the mosque in Ayodhya.Whatever happening in pakistan is the culmination of politicizing the religeon. We have reaped and in fact reaping it even now with the Punajb and the Ayodhya issue.
Go through History. That place was never a Mosque from starting. It was only Auragzeb/babar who made maximum temples domes broken N converted to Mosque
History is like this MIGHT IS RIGHT.
If U r strong then its duty to correct History
U should first learn history B4 showing ur stupid Secularism gained from Congress.