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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Bal Sant on Jul 09, 2007 01:34 PM   Permalink
ltte and maoist r not fighting in the name of religion, they do not call jihad against another religion, thats the main diff between islamists and other terrorists

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  RE:RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by sadiq ali on Jul 09, 2007 01:42 PM   Permalink
Only God can give you some sense. I do not know what pleasure you derive by writing filthy lines about other religion !!!!!! I do not know what religion you preach ? but i am sure your religion does not preach insulting other religions.....Pls grow up....

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by syed riaz ahmed qadri on Jul 09, 2007 03:24 PM   Permalink
Ask your mother how who is your real father and in which religion your born,I hope you dont know any religion,so before comments go and read your if you have any religion.

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by junnedkhan on Jul 09, 2007 01:59 PM   Permalink
If someone talks to you about your religion in that manner, then will you feel good?

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Lohith on Jul 09, 2007 01:34 PM   Permalink
dude.. I am sure u are another pakistani in an Indian name... poor LTTE are fighting for a piece of land to make a living... they are not there to kill people in name of god...get your basics right

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Manish Shah on Jul 09, 2007 01:49 PM   Permalink

Whatever be the reason, killing is killing. nothing but MURDER. from their point of view, every terrroist has some justification.

Talking of God & religion, God did not divide his land into countries. so why fight for it?

If fighting for a peice of land is justfified, then going by that logic all cases of freedom fight are justified. Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Chechnya, Palestine,..........

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Krishna on Jul 09, 2007 01:39 PM   Permalink
U may be right. i don't know. But it is not a Hindu fundamentalist group. It is not based on Hindu religion. Get ur knowledge right. Their reasons and agenda are different. Incidentally they may be hindus but they don't have anything issues with hinduism. u cannot compare them with the islamic fundamentalist groups which are primaryily religious fantic groups. Their agendas are based on Islamic people and their hatred towards non-islamic communities. U Got it now?

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Jonas DSouza on Jul 09, 2007 01:43 PM   Permalink
Your explanation is too late. This is the time when Indians are occupied on two problems - Glasgow failed attempts where Indian professionals are held and the immediate neighbour of India is engangled with her own people ruled by fenatic dominators.

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by shekhar rangaraj on Jul 09, 2007 01:44 PM   Permalink

Learn to differentiate between violence adopted as a mode of securing one's freedom and maintaining it and violence being used as a mode of getting people to follow a religion or a religious system. And if you are not capable of doing that, ASK? Some of us here can help.

I am no sympathiser of the LTTE or their methods but I want to know if some people belonging to a religion start plundering your house, tell you how you are to lead your life or, enforce their beliefs and tenets on you, your loved ones and your community, will you sit back and allow for this to happen? If you do, its possibly because your impotent in thought and deed. Guys with a sense of self-respect and dignity will retaliate. And this is what the TAmils in Sri Lanka started off doing. If they've lost focus and allowed some selfish elements to create and head them under the guise of an organization that is charged with terrorist activities, it possibly could be a sense of disillusionment at not getting the answers to their problems.

Our history bears testimony to this; Subhash Chandra Bose (who took to arms) and Lok Manya Tilak (who exhorted people to take to arms) to secure freedom. Are they HINDU Terrorists? It is easy to loosely infer and write irresponsible comments. Next time before you do so, THINK!!

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Ambrosia on Jul 09, 2007 01:41 PM   Permalink
Dear Manish,

Did LTTE ever attack India or anyother country in the name of religion? They are fighting against injustice done by Majority Sinhalas in Sri-Lanka. Please get the facts first. LTTE stands for "Liberation tigers of Tamil Elam". Ever hear anything about Hindus in that term? Even the Maoists in Nepal are fighting againsts Hindu Monarchy. I only hope that Nepals Monarchy the only surviving Hindu Monarchy understands the situation and provides relief to its people. To you, I think you should analyze details before blurting out anything about what you don't know...

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  RE:The worlds deadliest terrorist force
by Shyam on Jul 09, 2007 01:40 PM   Permalink
what abt terrorists in India? What about bomb blasts,kasmir militancy..where are western forces present there..u want to justify Islamic terrorism? whats ur name or is it just a fake name..dont hide behind a fake name..this strategy is used by the terrorists caught in of them registered in Engineering college in as a Hindu..and LTTE is not a terrorist organization..its just replying to attrocitoes by Sri Lankan Govt unlike in INdia, kashmiris have article 370 and enjoying tax payers money..u fools will never realize..staying in India and supporting Islamic militancy..thank God there is a pseudo secular govt in India!!

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