RE:RE:The Truth
by suhail mehdi on Jul 09, 2007 04:01 PM Permalink
i know our forefather were misguided..thats why they changed in the RIGHT DIRECtion....Unlike you dumb ignorant people who are practicing 1000 bc religion which have no proper concept and live in mythology!!
RE:The Truth
by debmalya mitra on Jul 09, 2007 04:14 PM Permalink
whatever we r atleast we r not being fooled by clerics to go out and kill not only people of other religions but own as well(shias & sunnis)
RE:The Truth
by suhail mehdi on Jul 09, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
Wat?? are you drunk?? this is a english website so speak as such...U Ugly piece of brown skinned dude..!! And keep ur abuses within ur family...shows ur rs.100 class!! ugly and sitting in a dirty internet cafe!!
RE:RE:The Truth
by suhail mehdi on Jul 09, 2007 04:10 PM Permalink
u sucked an imam cum...kool u gay faggard..Anyways hindi should be hindi transcript not llike you who is mixing his english illegimate father english with pure hindi words...Congrats!! And dude Keep ur abuses within ur dirty ugly house!! tsk tsk ugly and depressed