RE:Hello all my Coward Hindooos
by Shiv Kumar on Jul 09, 2007 03:24 PM Permalink
Hello Moslem , Where are u I do not know , but if u are in India u immediately should leave India . Muslims not only hating by Hindus in India but hating by christians , USA , UK , all europ countries , by jews in israel , They are laughing at you for ur funny jihadi style . We have 100000 god but u dont have even one with shape , Pls do not waste time wiht out no time pls start to worship our god :-) .. Do not dare to speak ill about our great Indian freedom fighters .. Entire muslim community's name getting spoil due to few AH like you . you should be killed in a road with out mercy .. U pls stop to wrie here otherwise we can easily trace out where u are make sure FBI , CID all will be after u and ur life will be hell .. get out from here first ..