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Madrassia and Military the nemesis of Bigotry
by D goel on Jul 09, 2007 03:25 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Pkl. Afternoon, 3 pm., Monday, 9th July 2007
Surely with our indian experience of Indian military forcing the militants from the Swaran Mandir in 1984's "Blue -Star " and the regrettable death , terror and religious alienation of entire Sikh Sangat over succeeding several years, decades
no body can look at the possible mayhem in Lal Masjid ,Madrassa Hasda and other"sacred " premises as a very happy prospect either for Musarraf or for generally well-being of mass of Pakistanis. The fanatic jehadis are calculatedly seeking to queer the pitch for the few liberals in Paki-civil-society. I am very apprehensive that if what Ghazis are bent on bringing about martyrdom for innocent brain -washed young Lasses and create religious jingoism in the irascibly fanatically drugged south-Asian Muslims the violence and alienation is likely to get unmanageable.
Musarraf and his top supporters in Paki military should take less gory options if possible , maybe a more daring commando blitz to dysfunctionalize the handful of Terrorists hiding in the Masjid , rather than attack it with blunt cannon fire or in other ways from sky helicopter bombs or Missiles.Reason that collateral
loss of life of girls in the madrassa or damage to the persona of the shrine shall be difficult to forget for religiously addicted peasant masses of Paki rural communities.
Military in its own vested interest had been investing in this religious bigotry very mischievously over last few generations right fro

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