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Islam is the way of Peace.
by Mohammed Mustafa on Jul 09, 2007 03:15 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

chakradhar gopal & Sriram,

Request both of you to give me a call to know regarding Islam,Quran & Mohammed (salahualaihuwassalm), and dont have the doubt what you explain here, and I assure that, there is no correctness, what you guys mentioned here regarding Islam and Mohammmed (salahualaihuwassalm), and even I can use the wrong words regarding your religion and that to with the full proof, but as Per our Beloved propehet Mohammmed (salahualaihuwassalm), "Dont say bad regarding other religion, becuase that person may replay bad words towards your deen (Islam) and Isalm is not bad" keeping that Hadith(words from prophet), in mind, I wouldlike to have the nice discussion, rather than using bad words towards any other religion. Anybody can ask the question, if they have doubt regarding the Islam and that is welome.

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  RE:Islam is the way of Peace.
by abdul karim on Jul 09, 2007 03:54 PM   Permalink
On the one hand you are saying dont use bad words. On the other hand you say you can also wrong words regarding relion of Gopal&Sriram's religion and that too with full proof.. Whatever may the proof who gave you the proof... by the way?

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