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by chinna rao on Jul 07, 2007 01:10 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Please keep Gujarat out. What led to Guarat roits we all know. Who provoked hindus by burning a coach in Gohara? Please do not use congress's language. Everywhere Hindus retaliated upon being
provoked. Be it Maliana, Jamshedpur, Mumbai or Gujarat

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by Rehman on Jul 07, 2007 01:17 PM   Permalink
Hindus retaliation if it was against the real culprits who burnt the coach would have been justified. But they went deep very low by killing the innocents.

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by Karthikeyan B on Jul 07, 2007 01:50 PM   Permalink
Rehman, Jinnah famously quoted that riots were a result of spontaneous public outrage and not an organised one. If that is the case, even Hindus are human enough to have gone mad. Gujarat is one instance in the entire 60 year history of India and you cry about it. What about the innumberable riots earlier. What about Kashmiri Pandits who were driven out. Havent Hindus been divine enough to pardon Muslims every now and then. Then why cannot Muslims also forgive and forget even if Gujarat is believed to be caused by Hindus

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