Whenever muslims resort to violence and claim that they have the approval and sanction of religion and the clerics, or published atrocities by muslims against non-muslims or even muslims, there is no condemnation from religious leaders, muslim celebrities (shabna azmi type)who generally are very vocal on other issues or even the general secular public-politicians. Why this is so?
RE:selective attacks
by vijairaghavan PG on Jul 07, 2007 01:40 PM Permalink
Obviously,cowards that they are, because a fatwa from the local imam can torpedo their lucrative filmi career and set the cat among the pigeons, and not to disturb the comfort of public idolising, expose them for the cowards that they are! Which anyway they prove by their silence, which they dont realise!
RE:selective attacks
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 02:44 PM Permalink
You are 100% true. The phrase "sanction of religion" is wrongly used. Instead you use the phrase "sanction in the name of religion". Whatever is happening is happening as a selfish materialistic motto of religious countries, religious leaders and most importantly politicians who can survive only in the name of religion. This is a common phenomenon in all religious groups where material development is overdominates nature, naturality, simple style of living.