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Actions for Muslims
by Rehman on Jul 07, 2007 01:14 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

If the some of the clerics has misguided the ignorant pupils. It doesnt mean their is shortcomings in the religion. Before hatred period (demolition of babri masjid) I had never heard in my life that in teachings of Islam there is a virtue in killing non muslims. It is pity that every time these extremists in the name of religion want to kill people. Enticement is the game.

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by rahul on Jul 07, 2007 01:28 PM   Permalink
Hindu partisan historians say that in the year 1527 the Muslim invader Babur came down from Ferghana in Central Asia and attacked the Hindu King of Chittodgad, Rana Sangrama Singh at Sikri and with the help of cannons and artillery (used in India for the first time) overcame Rana Sangrama Singh and his allies.

After this victory, Babar decided to spread terror among the subjugated Hindu population. His general, Mir Baqi was in charge of the region. Mir Baqi came to Ayodhya in 1528 and gave special attention to the main and biggest temple in the town. This was the temple which was built on the place where Samrat Shri Ramachandra, an ancient King of India was born. Samrat Shri Ramachandra was (and still is) revered by the devout among the Hindus as a god, also referred to as Rama, believed by Hindus to be an avatar of Vishnu.

Babar, whose general Mir Baqi allegedly destroyed this temple at Ayodhya, built by the Hindus to commemorate their king Samrat Ramchandra. Mir Baqi built a mosque at the site of the destroyed temple. This was called the Babri Masjid (Mosque), named after King Babar.

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  RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 01:35 PM   Permalink
you dodn't mentiones Rana Sangha invited Babar to attack on Lodhis.... God Babar attack on India was to target the rulers of Delhi a muslim Lodhi King... showing how you people temper history

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by prakash kumar on Jul 07, 2007 01:20 PM   Permalink
when pakistan was formed there were like 40% hindu/sikh population in what is now pakistan and not 11% as you state...! Even our loud secular Manmohan had to leave pakistan and settle in India....

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  RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Rehman on Jul 07, 2007 01:27 PM   Permalink
Any kind of genocide either done by muslims or Hindus is horrendous and unpardonable. But it is pity that hindus taking pride in Gujarat Genocide.

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  RE:RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Ravikant Bhat on Jul 07, 2007 01:30 PM   Permalink
ha ! if muslims can take pride in the genocide of hindus, it's hardly a surprise if hindus are incited into talking proudly about gujarat riots !

mind you, hindus never left their land to conquer foreign lands and impose their religion and ideology, muslims have. they still dream about converting the hindu population in the country... and making it muslim... no wonder they have been responsible for so many riots...

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by PRADEEP MENON on Jul 07, 2007 02:06 PM   Permalink
Exactly. We hindus are staying in our lands. We didn't go anywhere converting people to our relegion. But other religions, be it christianity or islam have mistaken our tolerance for weakness and looted us, forcefully converted us and tried to bring us down in as many ways they can do those. But the spirit of hinduism survived. It has survived for 5000 years, it will survive another 5000.

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by Sonu Madhavan on Jul 07, 2007 01:57 PM   Permalink
Dear Rehman

What happend in Gujarat is bad, but what about the innocent people of Godhare who were burnt alive,your saying is like u throw stone at some body and expect that he will throw flower then u are wrong every one is not Mahtma

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by sudip upadhyay on Jul 07, 2007 01:41 PM   Permalink
why in every terrorist activity muslims are involved. definitely something is wrong with the religion.

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  RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 02:18 PM   Permalink
You Sudip even don't see news... & making statement .... In Assam, Andhra, Bihar, Jharkand, Chattisgarh....who is involved

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by prakash kumar on Jul 07, 2007 01:22 PM   Permalink
Religion is all good and great !!! its just sheer coincidence that 99% of terrorists in the world are muslims....!!!

Dude...get out of brainwash and start thinking !!

After all no tibetan has blown himself because china occupied their country....

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 01:37 PM   Permalink
but Hindu sorryyyyyyy Tamil hindus are pioneer in societ bombs. Don't ignore your tamil brothers. & your Assamese Hinu brothers also

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by Ravikant Bhat on Jul 07, 2007 01:31 PM   Permalink
I can only pity your ignorance. The spread of Islam is perhaps one of the bloodiest chapters in human civilizational history and yet we have someone who pleads ignorance !

Go wash your eyes and face and revisit the history texts (overwhelmingly written by the leftist historians and published by the Congress governments)... yet these mention the slaughter committed by the Muslims in the country...

Won't you like to revisit the Somnath temple that was razed by Mahmud of Ghazni... there are many more instances.

Learn to accept history rather than twisting the Quranic verses to say Islam does not preach may not be, but then its followers have and continue to misinterpret the Holy Quran !

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by Rehman on Jul 07, 2007 01:34 PM   Permalink
It is upto you..still to revive the bad memories of past or to create a future of humanity and prosperity

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  RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 01:35 PM   Permalink
like gita asked us to kill cousind for the sake of land

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  RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 02:08 PM   Permalink
follow & share your wife with brothers before discussion evil with your zero knowledge...

Peace is not merely the absense of violence its a presence of justice...

where is justice...

Assam, Andhra, Bihar, Jharkand, Chattisgarh... where Hindus or tribal hindus are fighting for justice.........

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by Karthikeyan B on Jul 07, 2007 01:45 PM   Permalink
Aris, correct your statement. Gita did not say kill your cousins. It says Kill Adharma. And Adhrama is defined as evil behaviour not non-believers etc.

The problem with you is exactly manifested in your statement. You still see the evil doers as cousins and that is what is wrong with Islam today. They need to ostracise the terror elements.

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  RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 02:07 PM   Permalink
when it comes to Gita then you talk about context When it comes to Quarn then you atke only one line..... the versus stated clearly , when you are attacked then you fight 7 kill all nonbelievers who wanted to elimate you & if tehy don't want to fight then escort them to thier area with respect.

What after UN resulation if nobody is interested in making Palestine estate. If Muslims are being killed in refugees camps... If you say fight in this situstion is against mankinf then i can laugh at you.....

If court cann't decide Babri case then its not a muslims fault. Eveybody in India knows who were behind the demolation but what happened

What step Indian govenment is taking to punish people involving in carnages like gujarat... it happens all the time ..

Where is sri krishna comminsion report.

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  RE:RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Sonu Madhavan on Jul 07, 2007 02:02 PM   Permalink
wrong dude gita just has to do ur deed (good deed) and forget about the fruits the war of Mahabharat was fought between to side the pandavas who represent goodnnes and Kaurva who represent bad and eveil it wasn/t fought between the people of two religion
U know in gita the word dhram which means religion is used and the Lord Krishan himself says that dhram means truth and justice and god says that where truth and justice is there is dhram and with dhram I am always

In our holy books it is said that a true and good humane being will go to heaven not a Hindu

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Actions for Muslims
by Aris on Jul 07, 2007 02:11 PM   Permalink
Discussion is only for lines not for context.. so just discuss with full of stupitidy...... you take one line from Quran ... I take from Gita ... I know Gita is also right in its context but ..... you all the talking just a line about Quran... read it then critise

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