Islam means peace. The colour of Islam is green. Islam advocates on judicious utilization of natural resources with least disturbance to nature, greenery (vegetation) to achieve mental peace, spirituality, & tranquility among human societies. Our artificial development is nothing but destruction of nature and ecosystem. One who understands the real theme of Islam either from muslim community nor from other communities never create or use weapons of mass destruction. This is against humanity, natural flora, fauna and the precious earth, soil, water & air and also against Islam (Peace). Whatever we see these days in the name of religion, caste, language or regions is not for the sake of human physical, mental or spiritual development nut for the sake of material development. Killing human or his natural sorroundings for the sake of material needs. The modern mullahs who are adopting terrorism as a misnomer to jihad are the enemies of this nature and indirectly the enemies of the creator of this nature. One who is the true lover of God never resort to this kind of activities.
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 02:24 PM Permalink
Killing animals, plants, bacteria or fungus is a natural phenomenon on this earth. This is called ecodynamism comes through food chains. This is not destruction this is only eco-maintenance. Nothing survives without this on this earth. But it shouhd not lead to consumption explosion.
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by srini on Jul 07, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
History has shown that Islam is not for peace. It has ruled ruthlessly over people and demonstrated that it is always for war as long as there are non islamists in the world . Where do you get this crap of islam is for peace and all sorts of things . Look at the world today , whole world is paranoid of the islamic terrorists. Where is peace?. Where is peace in Iraq?. Where is peace in Pakistan ?. Where is peace in Indonesia ? and now in India . I have read a international paper which says that India is the new ground for terrorism . All muslims are not terrorists ,but all terrorists are muslims. Unless muslims go for introspection themselves this world will not be a better place. They are stuck in the medival age,hence the wide spread poverty .
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 02:53 PM Permalink
This is true with all religions. Aaryan & Dravidian rivalry, Budhism, Jainism, Hinduism and inter rivalries, Lingayat & Shaivite rivalry, Christianity & Judaism. Today also you are permitted to disturb those who disturb nature for the sake of artificiality. Besides this even if rivalry erupts bind to battle ethics. Do not resort to weapons of mass destruction. First kill those scientists who invented these weapons. Kill those leaders or nations who encourage production and supply of these weapons, to achieve peace.
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 03:03 PM Permalink
All terrorists are not muslims, there are sikh terrorists, catholoic terrorists, protestant terrorists, Irish terrorists, African terrorists, etc and etc.