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  RE:hindus pick up arms
by on Jul 06, 2007 07:30 AM   Permalink
I couldn't agree more with what you said. There is no doubt that moment Muslim population crosses 50% mark, India would be declared an Islamic country with a rule of a Sharia Law and Hindus may not have a place to hide in their own country. This might happen sooner than some think, not only due to explosive Muslim birth rate but also due to a wave of illegal Bangladeshi migrants flooding North East. [ Thanks to Red Brigade and Congress. Some argue that Hindus have survived for 5000 years withstanding 800 years of Islamic rule. Hence they would continue to survive. These people are kidding themselves, nothing else. Ultimate goal of Islam is to establish 'Dar Ul Islam' over entire world after converting 'Dar Ul Harb' [ region occupied by Infidels or non believers] to former. 'Karma' of declaring the country 'secular' at the time of Independence would deliver its 'Fal', sooner than later.

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Endgame for Musharraf?