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The condition in pakistan.
by Thrinadh vasantavada on Jul 06, 2007 10:20 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

No one will be surprised these things were expected with the events in pakistan. these things were expected to happen one day. the way the pakistan rulers were appeasing fundamentallists to keep their seats safelead to this type of happenings. It should be an eye opener for not only pakistans future rulers but to india and western countries.the duuble game AMERICA plays with respect to terrorisam is now getting its fruits.
It is high time for our UPA govt. to review their policies towards pakistan andthe politicks of minority sensible man will say that minoriyies should not get their due rights in a secular country. but they should not be treated more than equals.there are certain statemens and decissions of the present govt. are causing heart burn tothe secular minded pupil of the country.
T he self styled champion of minorities MR. ARJUN should rethink about his views about doubt all madarsas may not be breeding centers of fundamentalists definetly some are spreading and propagating terroriasam.
T he congress party and its left parteners who are responsible for heavy infiltaration of muslims from bagladesh shold not think about their vote bank only but also think about the nation.

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  RE:The condition in pakistan.
by Seenu Subbu on Jul 06, 2007 11:14 AM   Permalink
" T he congress party and its left parteners who are responsible for heavy infiltaration of muslims from bagladesh shold not think about their vote bank only but also think about the nation."
Wrong country, wrong people to ask for this sacrifice. Congress folks will sell their mothers if it can fund their elections. Not that others are any better. Leftists need to be lined up and executed in mercy, there is no other hope for them.

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