First documentary shows what India has lost so far because of the boasting politicians, listen the 6 violations Pakistan has done, and taken over so much land of India.
Second is the documentary of Kasmiri Pandits, how they are living a refugee life in their own country and what part Pakistan has played in that. Interesting to see the speech of Pakistani leaders.
Are we COWARD ? Are we buying these much weapons so that we can saw others and our leaders will get commission from that? Are our soldiers are dying in vain.
RE:Please spare time and watch this documentary
by Ankita Gupta on Jul 05, 2007 10:12 PM Permalink
Yes of course our leaders/politicians are enunch and cowards. They are wasting the lives of our soldiers. Look, they have not been able to hang Afzal, who had attacked on, what is said to be ' temple of democracy '. Temple of democracy? Shit.. It is the place where traitor, fraud, cheater, murderer, criminal politicians assemble and discuss to decide the newest ways to milk the citizen of India. Shame on these politicians.
RE:Please spare time and watch this documentary
by Srinivas on Jul 06, 2007 08:27 AM Permalink
Thank you for posting the Videos, Chirag. Every Indian should see these videos.
Yes we are cowards. Hindus do not even try to protect their rights in India forget about condemning the appeasement of minorities.