RE:I liked your last line Mr Shenoy
by sameer sachdev on Jul 05, 2007 11:45 AM Permalink
i liked mr shenoy's last line and let paksitan go to hellll they are peice of sh*t and only pakistan is connected to the terriost attacks that happen in indian or in europe
RE:I liked your last line Mr Shenoy
by ravi prasad on Jul 05, 2007 01:55 PM Permalink
Yes last line is superb. But it is the line that will bring their nation together. Even though we might not have a seige on Lan quila, we might have a seige in a mosqueue. This is just to show the world that not only pakistan's iamge is bad even india image is also bad. Remember the people who are behind the latest bombings in UK. All are foreign nationals. None of them are Pakis. So what does it prove to the world at large, terrorists are from everywhere not only from Pak. I hope the latest seige is not blamed on indian inteligence.