The Congress, specially Arjun Singh, must note that by introducing muslim banks, muslim courts etc. he is going to install similar forces in India. They must also take notice that in Pakistan, the base of Mullahs, a masjid can be attacked, so why not in India if criminals hide in these mosques. And it is a practice of, so called peace loving muslims, to execute a crime and get shelter in Masjids and mosques.
RE:Attention - Arjun Singh
by Seenu Subbu on Jul 06, 2007 11:23 AM Permalink
Arjun Singh probably belongs to one of those Rajput clans, whose ancestors were castrated and put in Jananas to serve the Begums. He could be in the same lineage as Rajah Mansingh who sold his sister to Akbar (or was it his daughter?), and then betrayed Rana Pratap. There is not much expectation from this lineage of traitors and cowards.