RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by Arnav Inamdar on Jul 05, 2007 02:15 PM Permalink
We do not want Pakistan to be finished.vast majority over there are victims since long of corupt military rulers.We should supportfor the return of ever lasting democratic rule.
RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by ajaykumar Vyomakesan on Jul 05, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
v r waiting for yor last laugh hahaha when you own brothers (so called Jhihadis)blast your families along with you for the victory of your great jhihad.
RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 03:07 PM Permalink
keep waiting while millions add up every month.. thats exactly what you can do...WAIT...thats the only option you have...
RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by ajaykumar Vyomakesan on Jul 05, 2007 03:36 PM Permalink
animals doesn't have the brain to think, that is their duty to produce thousands of their own with their on quality instead of one humanbeing.
RE:RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by ajaykumar Vyomakesan on Jul 05, 2007 03:40 PM Permalink
us doing a very good job, giving weapon and fuel to your own father to kill u. Fantastic idea to eliminate u marigold and your Jhihadi family.
RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 02:23 PM Permalink
Why dont you convert them ? Come on ... look all the muslims in India were hindus .... you should convert them back to hinduism....BUT CAN YOU CONVERT EVEN ONE ? Hahahaha
RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by marigold on Jul 05, 2007 02:55 PM Permalink
Ya so give me some stats ? Come on ... if so many people are realizing that Islam is bad or BLA BLA BLA then can you find a news like this ?
RE:Lal Masjid and Pakistan
by naveen yadav on Jul 05, 2007 02:36 PM Permalink
We don't have to convert them to Hindusim they don't deserve to be hindus. And marigold don't laugh coz now muslims killing other muslims. so no one has to worry about islam. it will automatically be finished if it continues to take the present path of jihad. and as far as killing by naxals r concerned. we don't have to worry abt it much. we will solve this problem. u go and save the ASS of your muslim brothers rather than wasting time here.