I say the whole analysis is crap, yaa soldiers were killed but in South Asia you dont value life on an average 4-5 Indian soldiers get killed everyday from Kashmir to Kanyakumari or Ahmedabad to Assam/ Manipur / Nagalad and not a single Indian Soul gives a HOOT !!.
This whole episode was staged my Mushraff to gain respect from US, to show the US that he is indespensible. This was supported by the Army because be it Mushraff or any one else, they want to remain in power and who better to back than Mush.
Finally about islam and general condition in Pakistan, this is a complete wrong picture as Shenoy is trying to potray, the country may have a terrible infra structure, so do we, they have have North West Frontier Province / Balugistan, we have Kashmir, Manipur, Nagalad, Naxalites the list is endless.
Our country is growing at 9 percent they are grwoing at 7 percent, their cities are shit and so are ours..
OK we have CENTERS of EXCELLENCE (infosys offices, Amby Valleys, Hiranandani, may be SEZs), may be we have better Railways and Roads, may be we have much better chance to suceed, may be our people are doing fantastic all over the world where as people from Pakistan and doing fantastic Blasts but all need to remember, this is a country kicking and alive and we need to treat it like we would treat China and the day we forget that, well we have have 1000 years of history to teach us, we were never attacked and captured by the chinese !!!