Very few people are aware that the ancient language SANSKRIT is the mother of European languages. English is one such language which owes its parentage to Sanskrit. Many of the words in ENGLISH are derived directly from Sanskrit. The following words ( more than 150) illustrate the relationship between English and Sanskrit. There are many more words which are not included in this list. Similar is the case between Sanskrit, German, latin and French languages.
I am = (ayam aham) Path = (path:) Son = (san, santaan, sounu) Daughter = (duhiter) Brother = (bratha) Father = (Pithru) Mother = (Mathru) Devotee, devotion = (devataa) Navigate, navy etc = (navgati, naav) Arm = (armi) Heart = (hridh, hardha, hrithay,) Cow = (gow) Same = (sama:) Dual = (dua) Pariah = ( para:) Cave = (cuva, guha) No, Negative , etc = (Nih, naa) Youth = ( yuva) Yoke = ( yukt) End = (anth) Van , vehicle, wagon = ( vahan) Mind = ( mana:) Map = ( mapa) Mix, mixture = ( mishr, miksh) Mad = (moodha) New = ( nava) Cash = ( kassa) Christ = ( Krishnatha %u2013 Lord of creation- God)) Create = ( from %u2018Kri%u2019 -kriyatah- work, do) Cut = (kart,chhit, kartarii-scissors) Attraction = (accarsion) Man = ( Manav, manush, manu) Name = ( naama) Cone, corner = (cona) Ghory, gory = (ghora) Gate = ( gatih) Door = ( dvaar) Drug = (drav) Destiny = (distha) Divine = (divyan, divi) Inter = (anter) Serve = (seva) Dental = (danta)